Recent News and Stories

ISE Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award (Apr 2024)

I am very happy to announce that I have been selected as the Outstanding Ph.D. Student by the Virginia Tech Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. I am highly honored and grateful for this recognition. Massive thanks to my advisor Dr. Sol Lim, who has been a constant source of motivation and support since even before I started my Ph.D. Thanks for submitting my nomination for this award. It's been an amazing journey as your student. 🥰😃🥳
Also, I am immensely grateful to Drs. Maury Nussbaum, Myounghoon Jeon, and Rafael N. C. Patrick, Ph.D. for their letter of support that strengthened my nomination. 

New Publication Alert! (Mar 2024)

A paper titled "Barriers and Benefits of Online Group Exercise Programs for Older Adults" has been published in the Journal of Applied Gerontology.

Islam, M. S., Frazier, M. C., Harden, S. M., & Lim, S. (2024). Barriers and Benefits of Online Group Exercise Programs for Older Adults. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 07334648241240599.

President, HFES VT Chapter (Jan 2024)

I have started a new role as the President for the Virginia Tech's Human Factors and Ergonomics Society chapter. I will serve in this role for the Spring 2024 semester.

HFES Student Member with Honors Award (Oct 2023)

I have been selected to receive the HFES Student Member with Honors Award. The award was presented at the 67th HFES Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. This year, 13 students from different institutions received this award, and three of them were from Virginia Tech. Also, since the inception of this award in 1999, I am the first Bangladeshi to receive it. I am really grateful to my Advisor, Dr. Sol Lim, whose unwavering support has made it possible.
The HFES Student Chapter at Virginia Tech also received Silver level award, which I, as the Vice President, along with my fellow chapter officers received.

Attending and Presenting at the 67th HFES in Washington DC (Oct 2023)

I have presented my research on "Forklift Driving Performance of Novices with Repeated VR-based Training" at the 67th HFES Annual Meeting in Washington DC. I also served as a session chair for one of the session by the Extended Reality Technical Group (XRTG). I attended XRTG's business meeting and met some of the new and past officers. I will be serving XRTG for one more year in my current role as the Social Media Manager/Communications Director. Also, for the first time, I met Bangladeshi HFE researchers in HFES, representing different U.S. labs and universities. Overall, it was a great experience.

IISE Future Faculty Fellow (Oct 2023)

I along with three other Virginia Tech ISE Students, have been selected in the Future Faculty Fellows program, organized by the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE). 

Attending New England Future Faculty Workshop (Aug 2023)

I have been selected to attend two full-day virtual workshop, jointly organized by Northeastern UNIVERSITY, Harvard Medical School, Boston University, and Bay Path University. This workshop familiarized me with life in academia, finding an institutional fit, designing a first‑year start plan and curriculum, and crafting research, teaching, and diversity statements.

Associate Human Factors Professional Certification (Jun 2023)

I have received the Associate Human Factors Professional Certificate from the Board of Certification for Professional Ergonomics. Looking forward to receive my full certification.

Meeting the Raymond team (May 2023)

Dr. Sol Lim's research group hosted Greg Smiley (Industrial Design Manager) and Melissa Schmitz (Emerging Technologies Research Engineer) from the Raymond Corporation. Ph.D. studuent Shaifqul accompanied the team and toured Dr. Lim's lab as well as organized a student networking event through the HFES Student Chapter at VT.

VT ISE International Night (April 2023)

I presented about my home country of Bangladesh in the annual Virginia Tech ISE international night with my fellow Bangladeshi ISE students Saimon and Xames.

Vice President, HFES VT Chapter (Jan 2023)

I have started a new role as the Vice President for the Virginia Tech's Human Factors and Ergonomics Society chapter. I will serve in this role for the 2023 calendar year.

Social Media Manager, XRTG (Jan 2023)

I have started a new role as the Social Media Manager of Extended Reality Technical Group (XRTG) of HFES. I will be serving in this role until October 2024.

Best Student Research Proposal Award (Jan 2023)

My research proposal titled, "Investigating the Effectiveness of Vibrotactile Feedback in a Virtual Exercise Game for Older Adults" was selected as the best student research proposal by the Perception and Performance Technical Group of HFES. Looking forwad to completing this project and publish the outcomes. Dr. Sol Lim will be advising me on this project.

Engagement Officer, CHCI VT (Dec 2022)

I have started a new role as the Engagement Officer for the Center for Human Computer-Interaction at Virginia Tech. I will serve in this role for the 2023 calendar year.

Receiving Masters in Engineering Degree (Dec 2022)

I received my MEng degree from Virginia Tech's ISE department.

Presenting Research at CHCI Hack n Yak (Nov 2022)

I have presented my research on Observational study to identify verbal and nonverbal communication difference between online and in-person physical exercise in the Center for Human Computer-Interaction's Hack n Yak event.

New Publication Alert! (Oct 2022)

A paper titled "Effects of Vibrotactile Feedback on Yoga Practice" has been published in Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. I was the first author of this paper and am grateful to the co-authors for their support.

Islam, M. S., Lee, S. W., Harden, S. M., & Lim, S. (2022). Effects of vibrotactile feedback on yoga practice. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, 1005003. DOI: 10.3389/fspor.2022.1005003

Attending and Presenting at the 66th HFES Annual Meeting (Oct 2022)

I attended the 66th HFES annual meeting and presented my paper titled, "An Observational Study Investigating Verbal Communication Differences in Online vs. In‑person Group Exercise Training". I am thankful to all the co-authors and especially my advisor Dr. Sol Lim for her guidance and support.

During this annual meeting, the HFES VT student chapter received the silver award for outstanding student chapter. I was serving as the communications director for the chapter at that time.

Passing Ph.D. Preliminary Exam (Sep 2022)

I passed my Ph.D. preliminary exam. I presented a research proposal titled, "Adaptive Exercise Performance Assessment Following User Orientation". In this research, I intend to develop an algorithm that can be used for more accurate performance assessment using computer-vision based motion capturing. The findings of this research will help me towards bulding a home-based exercise system.
With passing this exam, I am now a Ph.D. candidate. Thankful to all my committee members for their guidance and comments.

Communication Director, HFES VT Chapter (Aug 2023)

I have started a new role as the Communication Director for the Virginia Tech's Human Factors and Ergonomics Society chapter. I will serve in this role for the 2022-2023 academic year.

New Publication Alert! (May 2022)

A paper titled "Vibrotactile feedback in virtual motor learning: A systematic review" has been published in Applied Ergonomics. I was the first author of this paper. This is also the first journal publication since I started my Ph.D. Thanks to my advisor Dr. Sol Lim for her guidance, motivation, and encouragement.

Islam, M. S., & Lim, S. (2022). Vibrotactile feedback in virtual motor learning: A systematic review. Applied Ergonomics, 101, 103694. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2022.103694

Joining Virginia Tech (Aug 2022)

I have started my Ph.D. at the Industrial and Systems Engineering department of Virginia Tech. I will be continuing to work under Dr. Sol Lim's supervision.